

  • Article about the u-EP-1 machine, published in the COMPUTER-ARCHITECTURE-NEWS, 6-95.
  • Article describing the NICE-architecture, published in the COMPUTER-ARCHITECTURE-NEWS, OCT-1997.
  • Article about Instruction Looping, published in the COMPUTER-ARCHITECTURE-NEWS, MAR-1998.
  • Article Designing a NICE Processor, published in Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, Vol. 23, Oct. 1999, pp. 257-264.
  • "A Stream Processor Architecture Based on the Configurable CEPRA-S", Rolf Hoffmann, Bernd Ulmann, Klaus-Peter Voelkmann, Stefan Waldschmidt, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 1896, ISBN 3-540-67899-9, Hartenstein, R. W., Gruenbacher, H. (Eds.), "Field Programmable Logic and Applications. The Roadmap to Reconfigurable Computing".
  • "The Machine CEPRA-S Configured for Stream Processing", Rolf Hoffmann, Bernd Ulmann, Klaus-Peter Voelkmann, Stefan Waldschmidt. Poster Paper for the 9th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey (CA), 11-13 Feb. 2001.
  • "A New Master Mind Codegenerator", Bernd Ulmann, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, issue 31(1).
  • "Instruction Stream Processing - Beyond Vector Computing", Bernd Ulmann, Rolf Hoffmann, 4th Internation Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems, MPCS'02, Ischia, Italy, 9-12 April 2002.
  • "A high performance seismic amplifier", Bernd Ulmann, Teaching Earth Sciences, 1/2005.
  • "Overdamping geophones using negative impedances", Bernd Ulmann, to appear in Teaching Earth Sciences, 30.3. Somehow the journal does not seem to exist anymore, so I decided to make the paper publicly available.
  • "Bringing Seismic Data to the Web using OpenVMS", Bernd Ulmann, published in the OpenVMS Technical Journal, No. 7, January 2006.
  • "Bringing Vegan Recipes to the Web with OpenVMS", Bernd Ulmann, to be published in the OpenVMS Technical Journal No. 8, June 2006.
  • "OpenVMS, WASD, RDB, Perl - a match made in heaven?!", DECUS Bulletin, August 2006, p. 18 - 22
  • "Perl on MVS and the Art of Parsing and Generating SWIFT Messages", paper for the YAPC 2006 conference.
  • "Perl and VMS - a Powerful Match", OpenVMS Technical Journal, June 2009
  • "Die Analogrechnerentwicklung bei Telefunken", 4. internationales Syposium zur Entwicklung der Rechentechnik, Greifswald, September 2009
  • "Forth + APL? 5!", in "Vierte Dimension - Das Forth-Magazin", 1/2010, p. 24 - 27
  • "5 - A Powerful Array Language", in OpenVMS Technical Journal, No. 15, September 2010, pp. 35 - 41
  • "Geofonverstärker mit negativer Impedanz", AATiS Praxisheft Nr. 21, pp. 58 - 60
  • "Faszination von historischen Rechnern", Interview mit Bernd Ulmann, durchgeführt von Frauke Ochsen, CMK Magazin, 2011, S. 56 - 57
  • "Analogrechner am Beispiel der RA770", CMK Magazin, 2011, S. 88 - 89
  • 5 - a stack-based array language, Vector, the Journal of the British APL Association,
  • "Array programming for mere mortals", in Proceedings YAPC::Europe 2012, pp. 37 - 41
  • "Museen für die Zukunft", P.T. Magazin 5/2012, 66 - 67
  • "Technikhistorische Objekte - Was soll küftig bewahrt, tradiert und erinnert werden - und in welcher Form?", Canan Hastik, Bernd Ulmann, in Rundfunk und Geschichte, Nr. 3-4/2012, 38. Jahrgang, pp. 23 - 34
  • "Fairchild - Von den Verräterischen Acht zu den Fairchildren", in Rerto - Computer, Spiele, Kultur, #28, Sommer 2013, pp. 60 - 61
  • Programming Languages as Ideal Languages, Patrick Hedfeld, Bernd Ulmann, Paper zur Konferenz "Orte des Denkens", Wien, September 2013
  • Bernd Ulmann, "The IC Time Machine - Die Geschichte des 555er", in Retro, #29, S. 55










  • The VMS Basic-Calling-Standard-Conventions, a short lecture held at the center for data processing (ZDV) of the University of Mainz. (In German.)
  • An Introduction to VMS (In German.)
  • An introduction to the VMS-tools LSE, SCA and PCA: LSE, SCA und PCA - Eine Einfuehrung (In German.)
  • An introduction to data base systems, summerterm 2001, VWA, as zipped pdf-file Datenbanken 1, version 1.1. (In German.)
  • Algorithms and Data-Structures, winterterm 2000/2001, VWA, as zipped pdf-file Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen. (In German.)
  • Talk about streamprocessing (as a PDF-File), held at the Fern-Universitaet Hagen, on June, the 12th, 2002.
  • Talk about the application of artificial neural networks in the detection of deception at the university of Edinburgh on June the 4th, 2003. Due to a non disclosure agreement, only the introductory part is available online, sorry.
  • Slides for Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik - two slides per page, 48 pages in total.
  • Slides for a talk given at the DECUS-symposium in Bonn, 2004. The slides cover the problems and joys of running a large VAX (among other machines) at home. :-)
  • Einführung in das Programmieren mit Perl, classroom slides (currently not complete, but at least it is a start... :-) ).
  • Slides for my lightning talk at the YAPC-2004 in Belfast.
  • Handout for my talk about seismology and seismometry in Taunusstein-Hahn on November, the 11th, 2005 (in German).
  • Analog and Hybrid Computing - an introduction to analog and hybrid computing (about 7 MB). Slides for a talk to be given at the VCFE 7.0 2006 in Munich.
  • Telefunken Analog and Hybrid Computers - a short history of Telefunken's developments in the area of analog and hybrid computing (about 4.5 MB). Slides for a talk to be given at the VCFE 7.0 2006 in Munich.
  • Workshop - Analog Computing - slides covering the solution of three typical problems on an analog computer in detail. These examples are 1) mass-spring-damper system, 2) Lynx/Rabbit ecosystem and a 3) bouncing ball in a box. These slides (about 700 kB) were prepared for a talk to be given at the VCFE 7.0 2006 in Munich.
  • Bringing Seismic Data to the Web with OpenVMS, slides (about 1.4 MB) for my talk covering the usage of LAT-devices for the transmission of binary data from a seismometer system to an OpenVMS system, etc. This talk was given at the DECUS-Symposium 2006 in Düsseldorf, Neuss.
  • Bringing Vegan Recipes to the Web with OpenVMS, slides (about 300 kB) for a talk given at the DECUS-Symposium 2006 in Düsseldorf, Neuss. This talk covered a Perl based database proxy for RDB on OpenVMS as well as the benefits of the RTE technology of the WASD web server for OpenVMS to speed up the execution of CGI scripts and a lot of other topics like an intelligent method to bulk copy data from a MySQL system to a RDB database, etc.
  • Slides for my Talk "Perl on MVS and the Art of Parsing and Generating SWIFT Messages" to be held at this year's YAPC 2006.
  • During the YAPC 2006 Marty had a talk about "Lithp" where we (Marty and I) got a bit of an argument about LISP and APL, so I decided to prepare a lightning talk during the night. On the next day I learned that one speaker did not show up so there was a regular slot available for a real talk, thus I expanded my slides a bit and delivered a talk APL - one of the coolest programming languages ever ...inspired by the 'Lithp' talk.... Enjoy...
  • Since we (Rikka and I) were invited to a new year's party which required all of the participants to give talks about paranormal phenomena and the like, I decided to talk about the random number generator experiment which was conducted in 1998. The slides for this talk can be found here.
  • Last year (2006) I started the design and development of yet another homebrew processor, a simple but elegant 16 bit architecture called QNICE. A slide set describing the machine can be found here.
  • At the IT Symposium 2007 I will deliver a talk covering database proxies written in Perl. The slides for this talk can be found here.
  • At this years Vintage Computer Festival Europe I will deliver a talk about one of my favourite programming languages, APL, and about one of my favourite programmable pocket calculators, the TI-59 - the slides for this talk can be found here.
  • Yesterday (06-FEB-2008) I gave a little talk at the University of Hamburg with the title "Faszination Analogrechnen". The slides for this talk are available for download here (ca. 2.9 MB).
  • On June, the 5th, 2008, I held a talk about Thomas Samuel Kuhn's seminal book "Die Struktur Wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen" at the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. You may find the accompanying slide set here.
  • On the very same day, June, the 5th, 2008, I also had a talk about Perl and OpenVMS at this year's DECUS symposium which took place in Frankfurt. The slides which give quite some examples of the practical use of Perl in an OpenVMS shop may be found here.
  • Someday in November 2008 (I really forgot the exact date) I had a talk at the University of Hamburg titled "Von der Raketensteuerung zum Analogrechner - Helmut Hoelzers Peenemünder ARbeiten und ihr Erbe". The slides for this talk can be found here (ca. 1 MB).
  • On 27-MAY-2009, I delivered a talk entitled "Think Different - Think Analog" at the Kolloquium des Lehrstuhls Medientheorien on the HU-Berlin. The slides for this talk can be downloaded from here (ca. 700 kB).
  • On 08-JUL-2008, I delivered a talk entitled "How to get to the moon and back -- The Apollo onboard computer AGC" describing the way to the AGC, its development, usage etc. The slides for this talk can be found here (ca. 43 MB).
  • On the following day, July 9th, 2009, I had my final examination for my Ph.D., my disputation, the slides for which can be found here (ca. 35 MB).
  • During the Connect symposium 2009 which took place in Darmstadt, I delivered two talks: One about my new toy, a stack based array language called 5, and one about an agile method for software development which gains more and more momentum: Scrum.
  • On the last day of this year's YAPC::Europe 2010 which took place in Pisa, I gave a talk 5 - a stack based array language implemented in Perl (and Larry Wall attended the talk! :-) ).
  • On October 29th, 2010, I will deliver a short talk about the current state of the 5-interpreter at this year's OpenVMS-Technical-Update-Days in Bad Homburg. The slides for this talk can be found here.
  • On November 18th, 2010, I delivered two talks about the FIX Protocol (short for Financial Information eXchange Protocol) at this year's Connect Symposium. The talk was divided into two parts, an introductory part and a part describing the implementation of a FIX interface using QuickFix which can be found here.
  • Also on this symposium I had a talk about the current state of the 5 interpreter.
  • On December 10th, 2010, I delivered a talk The Power of Analogs at the Winterkolloquium of the institute for process control at the RWTH Aachen (the set of slides is quite large - 11 MB all in all).
  • During my Christmas holidays I installed a BSD 2.11 UNIX on one of my PDP11 systems. Since there were quite a lot of pitfalls, I wrote down the necessary steps to bootstrap and configure such a system here.
  • Design and Implementation of an Array Language.
  • Slides for my part of the talk Welchen Einfluß haben Sprachen auf unser Denken?, delivered at the Technikum 29 on August, 17th, 2013 during the "Woche der Industriekultur" in Frankfurt/Main.
  • Slide set for my talk Mit Lötkolben, Wire-Wrap-Pistole und Assembler, Z80 Selbstbaurechner, delivered on March 6th, 2014 for NERDIFIZIERT?.
  • Slide set for my talk Analogrechnen, delivered on March 6th, 2014 for NERDIFIZIERT?.
